Rocket Thanksgiving

Rocket Thanksgiving
Rocket Dog

Thursday, June 26, 2014


I do not really know if I want to continue with this or not. I was not even sure of my password on this but now here I am.
I am working on a small garden with a friend who is doing most of the 'heavy lifting' Life can be strange at times and I am uncertain as to how to proceed. Getting older and feeling more left out of the main stream media, Baby Boomers are being marginalized.

Which is OK. Life has a flow to it and the only constant is change. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013


The storms continue to rage across the east with flooding, fires and a tropical storm bringing more rain and bad storms to Florida. We have hardly had a chance to catch our breath after the tornadoes in Oklahoma. 
The summers were getting hot and we had a drought in North Carolina. Now the weather changes so fast I feel uncertain as if the earth under my feet is going to be whisked away by tornado shaped entities. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Howdy, long time no see.
I am just not with the program when it comes to modern life. Things change to fast and the good things about modern technology like the show "Touch' get cancelled. I watched Star Trek when younger and loved the show and watched every movie that came out. Now I hesitate to go see Star Trek Into Darkness because it looks so violent and modern.

 I have things to say about life but I want to take my time and muse and meander. No one wants to listen to a slow, aging 'hippy' rant on about pollution and the frenetic pace of modern life.

Not that it matters to me. This blog was largely an experiment anyway. Perhaps I will keep it and try and do something with it.. I like the name and feel a certain attachment to Mossrose Musings. We shall see. 
My latest job ends in a couple of weeks and I will have more time to explore and make new friends.
Peace Out.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Rust creeps across shelter
turning silver to auburn
welcome elements
verdigris and lapis
windrift and beach foam
share these color dreams
branch to branch

Now is the dark time of the year

Now is the dark time of the year, waiting while December light pours out on Christmas snow. 
Kes and Rocket Dog are huddled up inside, they like warmer weather.

This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.

These are words that remind me to touch base with my inner self.. My middle nature, Not some inner self far away and unknown, but the self you get in touch with when you feel your feelings in your body...
When you need to go somewhere and do something and you get a tight feeling in your gut, Something is telling you you should not go, or you should not go in the mood you are in, something is  telling you that you need to get in touch with your own feelings about something before you make a move..
 If you find that you do not want to go but feel you must go, then at least you are honoring your own feelings about it , what ever it is..

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Color Purple

I have recently found a beautiful blog called The Purple Caravan. It is amazing . Makes me want to build a gypsy wagon and head for the Highway..
It is coming close to Christmas, and the energy of the Full Moon and Winter and the Lunar eclipse all seem to conspire together to make me want to slow down.
To rest a while in the silent darkness and pull on the dream land, to let what wants to come up, arrive
Waiting  for the light, waiting for Christmas, it is all a busy time of year. Who has time to write, who has time to sit and collect the scattered energy?
It is the beginning of the return of the longer days. We might not notice now but the sun will stay a bit longer in the sky.
Look on any clear night for the shooting stars and moon.
happy Yule time, Merry Christmas,  May the light strike chords of resonance in your heart.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Well,. I have tried and never came back.  Life keeps rolling on and it is time for everyone to come together, and clap your hands.
I am not sure why I started this but here goes.. Blogs are supposed to be funny, or informative or well written.
today this is an experiment.
It is getting late in the fall, although we have had some really warm weather for October, it is cooling off...
My brain is going through one of its foggy phases....